Pakistani Youth has launched Pakistan's first ever chat application with the help of Telegram, which is more than good and much better than Whatsapp.

The application name pak chat app is present on the Play Store 

 Its favorite futures are
You can create a group on this, which can be a banded addiction according to millions of crores, and in addition to this group you have a feature that you can create channels through

It is a matter of great pleasure that this is made in the colors of your innocent Pakistan and the Amazing thing is that your 
group can make a super group and this will be the new incoming members of the group who can see the old messages of the group.

You can also pen the message in the group so that the message will continue to be visible to everyone.

The background of the chatting has been replaced by the beautiful Pakistani background rather than the mouthpiece of toys.

The profile picture also appears on a very beautiful Pakistani backgrOund

Other File Sharing Whatsapp Chat Text Chat Editing Before Sharing Picture And Interesting Interesting Chakya Mail Please install this app and happy person who is interesting